Total time: 30 minutes.
- Cut the egg tray into individual shells, making sure you keep some of the flat rim attached so it can stick to the card
- Place a shell on the green card and around it draw the outline of the turtles fins, tail and a small area to stick the head onto
- Paint the shell and leave to dry
- While the shell is drying, cut out the turtles body from the card
- Once the shell is dry, stick onto the body
- Using colourful paints and/or glitter glue, create a pattern onto the shell
- Now stick the pompom onto the card reserved for the head
- Finally, stick the googly eyes onto the pompom
- Repeat using different colours of card and paint!
Activity difficulty - easy
You will need:
- Empty egg tray
- Green card
- Green paint
- Coloured paints and/or glitter glue
- Green pompoms
- Googly eyes
- PVA glue